Mie Paling Enak!! // Most Delicious Noodle!!
Buat yang sering ngelihat insta sory aku pasti udah tahu banget kalau aku suka makan mie! Entah itu mi aceh sampai bakmi jawa. Tapi menurut aku mie paling enak selalu jatuh keeee ...
For everyone who like to see my insta story. You guys must be know that I really like noodle (mie)! It can be acehnesse noddle until javanesse noodle. But the most delicious noodle from my experience goes toooooo.......
Nah, kalau aku pribadi sih suka mie lethek godhod (rebus) sambil minum es teh! Kalau kalian gimana? Atau belum nyobain? Yuk ke Bantul buat nyobain mie lethek!
My favorite is boiled mie lethek (godhog) with ice tea! How about you? Have you try mie lethek? If not, let's go to Bantul and try mie lethek.
For everyone who like to see my insta story. You guys must be know that I really like noodle (mie)! It can be acehnesse noddle until javanesse noodle. But the most delicious noodle from my experience goes toooooo.......
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dari insta story aku beberapa waktu lalu |
Mie lethek ini merupakan mie asli Bantul, Yogyakarta. Kebanyakan warung mie lethek ada di Imogiri. Mie ini disebut mie lethek karena memang warnanya yang putih kusam (lethek). Kalau dari teksturnya mie lethek terlihat seperti bihun tapi lebih kenyal. Untuk rasanya sendiri mie ini menurutku enak banget! Dimasak dengan telur dan taburan bawang goreng diatasnya kalian juga bisa milih apakah mie mau dikasi kecap atau enggak.
Mie lethek aka lethek noodle is a original noodle from Bantul, Yogyakarta. Almost all of mie lethek food court located in Imogiri. This noodle called mie lethek because it has broken white color (in javanesse it called 'lethek'). From the texture it looks like a bihun (soon) but more elastic. For the taste, this noodle deserves a medal! Soooo good! Mie lethek cooked with egg and sprinkled with onion. You also can choose if you want your mie to be cooked with soybean sauce or not.
Nah, kalau aku pribadi sih suka mie lethek godhod (rebus) sambil minum es teh! Kalau kalian gimana? Atau belum nyobain? Yuk ke Bantul buat nyobain mie lethek!
My favorite is boiled mie lethek (godhog) with ice tea! How about you? Have you try mie lethek? If not, let's go to Bantul and try mie lethek.
Because you only can taste the real mie lethek in Bantul!
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